Spalding Darts

Here’s a picture I found on the net of a wooden dart made by Spalding. I don’t know if it’s the same popular sporting goods manufactuer that makes golf balls, basketballs, etc.

You can see that the way they use the lead weight in the dart is completely different than most other types of darts. The shaft is thicker, and then tapers down significantly. The flights are feathers, but they have a rounded shape that doesn’t resemble any of the modern darts.

The points are basically needles that come out of the nose of the dart, and aren’t part of the lead weight system. They’re an interesting version of a wood/feather American Style dart.

While some names didn’t stay in the dart game long enough to provide a lasting impression, finding darts made by one of these manufacturers points to the popularity of the game and variety of darts that must have been available.

Author: bob

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