Darto is a company that is back in action, making darts and boards.
The barrels of the Darto darts that I have have nothing hot stamped on them. They are plain, and smooth. The band that wraps around the dart right at the “top” of the feathers is black. The feathers appear to be “snipped” at the ends, giving them a set of sharp angles instead of a rounded look. I’m not sure if this affects the flight of the darts, but it certainly changes the look of the dart. They appear more precise and stylish.

The feathers come in different colors. I’ve seen them in black, blue, traditional white, yellow, and a color set they call “Patriot”. The Patriots have one feather in red, one in white, and one in blue.
The points of the darts are not identical to the Widdy points. The base that inserts into the barrel is larger, and appears to be of higher quality. It is gold colored, and looks to be machined more smoothly. I think that Dartos are stylish, high quality American darts.
You can find them in “3 Packs” or boxes of a dozen.
hello. We have a dart league for 20 yrs. But we can’t find the wooden darts we’ve been using. specs. wooden section 5 3/4in, metal tip section 1.5 in. over all 7 1/4 in. 3 feather dart. weight 17 gm. circumference at wood 2 1/4in. Our American Legion Post wood like your help, no punn intended.
Hello Bob,
Thanks for posting all the great dart info.
I live in Chester County PA and baseball is popular here. I have been playing with a Darto Widdi Board and Darto darts since 2005. A set of 3 #1 Darto darts were $6.99 back then. Times have changed. I need to purchase new darts and I came across the ProDart site. I like the colors but would I notice much difference with new ProDarts or should I stick with the white Darto darts? Are the specs. similar?
The Darto’s are a bit wider. I don’t have any made since they reopened to compare the weights, but I’d bet a nickel that the Darto’s are slightly heavier as well. Back before Prodart started, we’d get Darto’s for the bar, and they were along the lines of Widdy (as opposed to Apex) but with better quality control.
is there a way to refeather the darts and if so how ?
the processes called fletching, and yes you can do it. dig around YouTube for some archery videos on fletching jigs and you can see someone basically do it, but with an arrow. you’d have to modify the jig to have it work for darts. it’s possible, Alan Miller and Keith Bauer are doing it now.